
Transgender Discrimination Linked to Unemployment, Poverty

Sociological studies have often focused on which groups suffer most in America’s labor force as a result of demographics, education, and discrimination. Minorities and youth in today’s workforce have high unemployment rates — but nothing compared to that faced by the transgendered community. According to reports, inequalities and discrimination prevent transgendered workers from finding and keeping good jobs, maintaining benefits, and getting access to adequate health insurance. For members of the transgendered community who suffer from employment discrimination, the impact can be lasting, resulting in long-term unemployment and lost wages.

In the state of California, discrimination based on sexual identity is illegal. Victims of discrimination should take immediate action to protect their rights and recover compensation when available. Our Orange County employment attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of employees throughout Southern California. We understand the plight of the many individuals who suffer from employment discrimination and will review every case to determine whether an employer is in violation of state and federal labor laws. Our priority is to raise awareness to protect worker rights and to prevent future acts of discrimination.

Transgendered Americans have a more difficult time securing jobs and keeping them due to discrimination in hiring. Even after hiring, many individuals become targets of harassment and forced to endure a hostile work environment. Reporting of discrimination can also lead to retaliation and adverse employment action, including demotion or termination. If you believe you have suffered from discrimination in the workplace, an experienced attorney should review your case. While every case is unique and demands a review of specific facts, an advocate can apply the law to your case to determine if you have a legal cause of action.

Transgendered workers are at a higher risk of unemployment and poverty. Transgendered workers have twice the rate of unemployment compared to the rest of the population. More than 4 in 10 transgendered individuals are underemployed (44%). Transgendered workers are four times as likely to have a household income under $10,000. According to the report titled, Broken Bargain for Transgendered Workers, 73% of voters support protecting transgendered Americans from discrimination in employment. Despite this statistic indicating strong public support, federal law does not provide for specific legal protections for transgendered workers.

There continues to be misunderstanding, hiring biases against transgendered individuals, wage inequities, and on the job discrimination. Many transgendered individuals will find that the process of job searching and getting hired is full of challenges. Currently, unfair laws and policies can unfairly burden transgendered workers. Individuals who are fired or who suffer from discrimination in the workplace are not protected by federal law. Transgendered workers are not able to seek recourse through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for sex discrimination under Title VII.

Fortunately, transgendered California residents are protected against discrimination by state law. If you or someone you love has suffered from discrimination in the workplace, relief may be available. To prevent, reduce, and eliminate inequalities for transgendered workers, individuals must take action, hold employers accountable, and push for legislation that will protect workers nationwide.

Costa Mesa employment lawsuits can be filed with assistance from the Nassiri Law Group, practicing in Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange County. Call 949.375.4734.

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