
Articles Posted in San Bernardino employment attorney


Immigration Status Employment Discrimination in California

Immigration status discrimination, also sometimes referred to as citizenship discrimination or national origin discrimination, happens when an employer treats an employee or applicant differently based on their citizenship or immigration status. It can also occur when employers demand excessive documentation or specific documentation of prospective employees’ right to work in…


What Is Considered “Unfair Treatment” in California Workplaces?

Fairness and equality are cornerstone ideals in America, but not every employer embodies or enforces them. However, does unfair treatment alone mean you can take legal action against your employer? As our Los Angeles employment attorneys can explain, the viability of a California employment lawsuit depends on a myriad of…


California Employment Lawyer: Can I Be Fired for My Political Views?

Partisan tensions across the U.S. have gone from a long-simmer to near-boiling in recent months. Although most Americans define their politics as somewhere in the middle, an increasing number feel compelled to draw hard lines in the sand and publicly denounce or support certain candidates, policies or ideals. However, doing…

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